Visually Perfect Photography

Full information about Establishment Visually Perfect Photography at Heaton Mills, Heaton Street, Denton, Manchester, Denton, England M34 3RG. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Heaton Mills, Heaton Street, Denton, Manchester, Denton, England M34 3RG
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Phone number:
+44 161 221 0517


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Visually Perfect Photography

Reviews about Visually Perfect Photography

  • Heather Pearce
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Appalling. Over the course of 2 months I was twice offered a session but when I responded to try and confirm I was ignored for over a week. Countless emails and phone messages went ignored. A promise of a phone call didn't materialise for days and then when I eventually did manage to speak to someone and book an appointment was told they had to let people take holidays as they were freelance!?! So why was I offered a session in the first place!? Eventually got a date booked turned up 15 mins early with my 21 month old daughter in her best dress at 9.15am the sat before Christmas eve and no one was there. No answer on the phone and I am still awaiting a response to my email. Disgusted that people think this is an acceptable way to run a business! This would be 0 stars if I was allowed to post!
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